Influenced and inspired by the hugely satisfying skills of snipping and sticking, which I have acquired through teaching art in primary schools. I aim to bring a sense of fun, colour and vibrancy to my work. I have studied many artistic techniques from collage to collagraph, an introduction to silkscreen printing and Photoshop as well as painting and drawing. Collage remains my first artistic love.
I am fascinated by faces and presenting them in surreal, eccentric ways. I’m very interested in women’s faces throughout time and combining these with surrealist depictions of otherworldly creations in a colourful splash of creativity. I try to capture society in a slightly inside out way. I’m not seeking to present immaculate perfection in my creativity, I’m just sharing my own exciting, slightly slapdash artistic journey. Thus Wonky Art Productions came about. So embrace the wonk and enjoy.
I have created commissions for those keen enough on my art to want their own unique, bespoke Wonky endeavour. If you are interested in any of the pieces on this website, or creating a unique piece for you, please contact me at
07773 507283
I have also donated many pictures to raise funds for various charities through art auctions, raffles and other fundraising activities.
I have forged together the various techniques that I have worked on so that the pouring acrylic art can become a unique background to the crazy, collage that I excitedly add. Then as if by magic a wave of the photoshop wand rapidly creates an entirely new piece, sometimes combining 1 or 2 previous creations.
I’ve been fortunate enough to have studied many art techniques and done a lot of courses including collographs, silk screen, mono print, mixed media, still life,acrylic and other painting techniques, life drawing, pouring art with and without resin, and many other arty skills. I love to combine these together.
I have started to showcase my work on instagram: